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About Me

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Deb and Jess have been full-time RVers since 2009. We sold our material items to live the dream. And it's our adventure of a "LIFE TIME". We Fish, Hunt, Read, Networking, Travel, Photography. Between the both of us we have some strong skills from RV Maintenance, RV Products, Life Skills, Refrigeration, Scrapbooking and other forms of Crafts. We are known for helping others and making LIFE FRIENDS as we hit each mile in our RV. This is Life!! We just finished up 2011 summer season with QSI in Idaho.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Traveling in Idaho

Well we didn't get out of town yesterday until 10:30 and traveled 520 miles till we pulled over for the night.Good weather,just some wind in the passes.This is a picture of Hell's Canyon and the water has really receded since May.We got through most of the passes and my hubby noticed we didn't have brakes working on the trailer!!Pulled over and he checked it out and the plug just came loose...phewww,thank goodness my hubby used to be a long hauler for the oil fields.He wasn't in a panic but I sure was!! We should be in Utah today so will keep everyone up to date on our travels.
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