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About Me

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Deb and Jess have been full-time RVers since 2009. We sold our material items to live the dream. And it's our adventure of a "LIFE TIME". We Fish, Hunt, Read, Networking, Travel, Photography. Between the both of us we have some strong skills from RV Maintenance, RV Products, Life Skills, Refrigeration, Scrapbooking and other forms of Crafts. We are known for helping others and making LIFE FRIENDS as we hit each mile in our RV. This is Life!! We just finished up 2011 summer season with QSI in Idaho.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Our spoiled pup Miss Bella

Miss Bella is so spoiled she has to have the hubby's jacket put over her or she won't sleep in her bed! I guess she wants his scent close to her in order to feel she isn't alone or something.If she doesn't get her way she just sits there and stares at you,which drives me crazy.Boy has she got us twisted around her paw! Gotta love them!!
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