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About Me

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Deb and Jess have been full-time RVers since 2009. We sold our material items to live the dream. And it's our adventure of a "LIFE TIME". We Fish, Hunt, Read, Networking, Travel, Photography. Between the both of us we have some strong skills from RV Maintenance, RV Products, Life Skills, Refrigeration, Scrapbooking and other forms of Crafts. We are known for helping others and making LIFE FRIENDS as we hit each mile in our RV. This is Life!! We just finished up 2011 summer season with QSI in Idaho.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Arizona has such beautiful weather

Flagstaff,Az. had some beautiful blue skies and temps in the 70's today as we traveled through on our journey to California.We left Indiana last Wed. and have had a very good trip and mild weather all the way.We are staying in Bakersfield tonight and it is quiet warm but a cool breeze is coming through now.Will be with family for a few weeks until we go to Idaho for work.
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Friday, April 6, 2012

Lambert's Cafe in Miner,Missouri

I've always wanted to go to Lambert's Cafe and we went there for lunch.Hope you have a big appetite cause it's alot of food! It's the home of the thrown rolls! I had to chuckle at this poor guy who got hit twice in the head with a roll.The girls behind him were not good catchers at all so he suffered! It's a great place to eat and we thought we would have to wait in line but it has plenty of seating.As you can see they served my food in a frying pan.It was a totally fun experience and so glad we went.
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Purdue Unniversity,Indiana

This is the Purdue University Stadium in Lafayette, Indiana.The campus is huge,seemed like 3 blocks long.Very beautiful grounds and lots of apts. close by for housing students.Always heard about Purdue so finally got to see it up close.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shipshewana,Ind. boilers

They make these huge boilers for heating water here in Shipshewana.The Amish use them to heat there homes for laundry and showers.They can put wood or coals in the bottom and the water is piped threw it which gets heated.They can also burn there trash in it.We were so curious we had to stop and ask here where they manufacture them.
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Monday, April 2, 2012


We are staying in Shipshewana while our 5th wheel is being repaired.The Amish work and live here.They have a hitching post where they park there horse and buggy while working.Tourist can take a buggy ride around town which has many shops and eateries all ran by the Amish.We captured one of the Amish farmers plowing his land with these big beautiful horses,the rows are so straight and precise.So glad we got to see this.

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Amish in Indiana

Here in Topeka,Indiana there are Amish everywhere.There homes are well kept and very pristine.This is one of there buggies parked in front of there garage.The horses that pull the buggies look very sturdy and they have quiet a few.They ride down the sides of the streets and even have head lights and tail lights so they can be seen.They seem very friendly as we waved to them and they waved back.
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