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About Me

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Deb and Jess have been full-time RVers since 2009. We sold our material items to live the dream. And it's our adventure of a "LIFE TIME". We Fish, Hunt, Read, Networking, Travel, Photography. Between the both of us we have some strong skills from RV Maintenance, RV Products, Life Skills, Refrigeration, Scrapbooking and other forms of Crafts. We are known for helping others and making LIFE FRIENDS as we hit each mile in our RV. This is Life!! We just finished up 2011 summer season with QSI in Idaho.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oil Rig move

This is the derrick to an oil rig that was moved today from our location,the Nomac 3.Actually this was a small one compared to others.Everything went smooth and our trailer is still standing!!Alot goes into moving a rig,it's unbelievable at the equipment and big house trailers which is living quarters and office areas that have to be moved off location.Well glad the worst is over,now I can relax a little.Interesting stuff to see though.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

More cows

A cow came down the road with 3 calfs,don't know if they are all hers,as you can see there all different colors and the one on the left has small horns.He was cute and frisky and head butting with one of the others.Mama was kind of elusive and couldn't get a good shot of her. The hunter's are showing up and they have wild boar here,hope we don't meet up with one of those. They put out corn for deer and the boar's eat it all.Also seen a huge coyote this evening,I guess they have quiet a few on the ranch. Will have to keep an eye on my pup so she doesn't become a meal!!
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Busy day today on the job

Going to be a busy one today as we have a rig moving to another site and some big loads coming through most of the day.It's amazing how much work goes into setting up and breaking down a rig.The hubby and I both have to work the gate to keep the trucks on the move so they don't get backed up on the main road.Weather is suppose to be cooling a bit so that helps too,we sat up our canopy just in case it stays hot or we get rain. Should be interesting!!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Home on the range,wandering cow

I love cows and at first I thought this was a bull and kinda leary of staying outside but it was just a mellow cow grazing. It's open range on the ranches here so that's why we have a gate that has to be closed at all times unless we have a run of trucks come through.See decided to come on over and eat the green grass behind our trailer that I call my yard,even have wild orange lantana's growing,hope she doesn't eat those! She reminds me of a giant dalmation dog cause of her colors.
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Loma security guard vest,shirts and hat

We got our vest and shirts and Jess got a hat with our Loma security loco today.Was a busy day with lots of trucks coming through.Rig move put off till Friday.Gusty wind and dirt blowing most of the afternoon.
Our company man brought us a cooked turkey for Thanksgiving,yum I can't wait!! That was a really nice gesture.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011

New job going well as Gate Guards

Our new job as Gate Guards here in Texas is going very well.Today is going to be a busy one though,we have one Oil rig moving out and one moving in from Louisiana,so it should be interesting!! We're rested and ready,we just pray everything goes smoothly,main thing is to get them in and get them out.
One  of the rig hands killed a 6ft. rattlesnake this afternoon and they cooked it up!! I heard there good but I don't want any part of a snake!! With this heat and no rain we will have to be on the look out for them,hoping we don't meet!
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Headed to new work site as gate guard

Some beautiful sunsets at our last job site here in Texas. We start a new job Sat. so I'm sure there will be more.I'm learning alot about the equipment and what it's for from my hubby cause he used to work on rigs and hauling equipment back in the 70-80's. We will be Gate Guards again,checking in trucks that bring equipment to oilfield sites.It's an interesting job and get to meet some nice folks along the way.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Texas wildlife

Well we have different widlife here in Texas then what we had in Idaho.Our survey guys killed this large diamond back rattlesnake which was 5ft. long and the hubby came walking in the trailer with it and I screamed and told him to get it out of the trailer!! He knows how scared I am of them....not funny!! Got a pic of a raccoon at night,the employees before us was feeding them dry dogfood and foxes and coyotes would come every night looking for there treats!! Not a good ideal.The bottom pic is our friendly road runner,he would come up pretty close to us and they eat moths and bugs and snakes!! When they run they actually make a honk,honk sound,too cool!!There was also baby cottontail rabbits and quail that came to visit. The weather is still warm and only one good rain storm,they need rain badly,some cattle have starved and water supplies are drying up in some counties.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the job in Texas

Well we started our new gate guard job Friday and we have no internet service out here in the south forty!! We're about 50miles from town but I can drive 7 miles and get out on net and phone.Not too much going on at present,lots of new wildlife to see,foxes,roadrunners and raccoons.Will not be able to post but once a week so please be patient for now until we get to where we get service.The weather is warm 75 and some clouds but not much needed rain yet.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dinner at Hot Stuff La Cocina,TorC,NM

Talk about a huge burrito this was it!! We ate several times at Hot Stuff La Cocina in Truth or Consequences,NM. The best mexican food ever!! Our friend Monty Brown is the owner and we have to have a meal or two when we come to visit.If you ever pass through make sure you stop and have a great meal!!
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